Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reflection #3

This week we learned how to build a Google Site.
Currently the class website is down, so I am going to try to remember what I am supposed to reflect on...

I thought that building a google site for your class is an excellent idea! I will definitely implement it in my future classroom. It is a great way to keep your students and parents up to speed on what is going on in the class. One thing, though, that might be difficult as a teacher to keep this updated. Knowing myself, it might be hard to remember to keep it up to date. However, if the students were actually actively using it as a resource, it would be easier to remember to update it, knowing that they were counting in accurate information there.
Parents could more easily be involved in their child's education as well. They could know what their homework their children should be working on.

Collegues could use this as a valuable resource as well, especially in a collaboratives setting. Teachers could look at each other's websites to see what their students are doing in their other classes. Overloading students could also be avoided by coordinating assignments between classes.

The video that we were supposed to watch this week made me really think about how tech-savvy our students are going to be. They are exposed to so much technology daily, and it is important that we incorporate that into our classrooms. I think that integrating as much technology into the classroom as is appropriate will help our students connect to the subject matter in a way that they can really relate.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reflection #2

My impression of the videos we watched for this week were that they were both engaging. I thought that they would be a good tool to use with students because they would grab the students' attention. Even though students (especially high school students) might think videos like these are silly, they help them remember the things they teach better. Also, using videos like this can be beneficial for students who have different learning styles. It also varies the way information is presented, so it may stay in their memory better.

The tools we learned to use this week would be beneficial for students in collaborative projects. Google docs, which I hadn't used before, is a great tool for collaborative projects. Teaching students to work well together using technology would benefit them in improving their technological skills, as well as their interaction skills.

The cons of using google docs too much in collaboration of students could be that it would eliminate the need for face to face cooperation and collaboration. Students who are still learning the skill of cooperation might be harmed rather than helped by the over-use of google doc collaboration.

Also, google docs would be a great tool for teacher colleagues to collaborate as well. Lesson plans could be exchanged, or compiled together without the inconvenience of finding a time to meet together.

The use of Google Calendar would be very beneficial to students and to parents as well. If a classroom schedule were updated and posted weekly, parents would know what their students were supposed to be working on, and students would be able to answer their own questions about the schedule by just going online from home.

The use of these tools would help me achieve my classroom goals by helping my teach my students to be well-rounded and technologically fluent people. I believe that knowing how to use technology to the fullest is essential for success in the world today.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Ideal Classroom (Reflection #1)

Physical Description:
In my ideal classroom, there would be lots of windows. I think that people were meant to be exposed to natural light. I know I feel better in natural light, and so I would hope it would also be good for my students.
I would also love it to be in an older building with high ceilings and big wooden doors with windows in the door and a big wooden desk at the front of the room. I would also like to have some bird cages with some birds, and a fish tank filled with fish. Along the big windows, I would like to have a variety of potted plants. These things may sound silly, but I would use them in my teaching (Biology being one of my areas of emphasis.)
Along the wall opposite the windows would be big book shelves filled with lots of awesome science and health books, as well as models of the human body, and specimens in jars.

Students, Parents, Colleagues:
In my ideal classroom, my students would be attentive, respectful, and excited about learning. They would be actively involved in classroom discussion and ask intelligent and insightful questions. They would produce high-quality work, and ask for feedback about how they are doing. No one would ever feel uncomfortable or afraid to ask questions.
Parents of the students would be supportive, involved, and available if needed. I would hope they would be actively interested in their child's education, and would be a good resource for their children when they have questions. As my primary emphasis is Health, I would want my students to feel comfortable going to either their parents or myself for any questions they may have about the subject, beyond what is covered in class.
My colleagues ideally would be easy to get along with and collaborate with. They would be intelligent and care about their students as much as I do. I would want there to be an open environment of knowledge-sharing throughout all of the faculty. I would also want them to be friendly and nice, so that we would be able to genuinely enjoy being together.

Content & Techniques:
The content areas that I hope to teach (in order of preference) would be Health, Anatomy, & Biology. The techniques that I hope to implement would be cooperative learning, so that the kids learn to talk to each other about topics that they may think are embarrassing (but that are very important!) relating to health. I also wish to implement technology by having my students utilize the useful resources found on the internet to write papers or to use as a resource. I want to teach them to be able to answer their own questions by turning to technology, rather than relying on my too much as a teacher. I also want to teach them what resources can be considered valid, so they know that the information they are getting is trustworthy.
My class goal would by 'Information is Power." In my eyes, the more you know (including knowing where to go to get more information), the farther you will be able go, and the healthier you will be able to stay.